What's New at The Vibe 808

Join us this Friday for

Branding and Strategy

Join us for an enlightening conversation with Kraznice and L51Lz, two distinguished artists having acquired a mastery in marketing and promoting music. Kraznice's consistent content creation on social media has garnered him regular shows, numerous interviews, and remarkable viewership, surpassing 100,000 views within a single day.

Discover invaluable tips and techniques to elevate your musical presence and achieve similar success. This is an exceptional opportunity to learn from an artist who has effectively harnessed the power of social media to build a thriving career.

We look forward to your participation in this stimulating discussion.


Video background

Drinking vinegar mixtape church-key letterpress, poke activated chambray!

Charcoal quinoa la croix fam flexitarian ethical ugh kombucha whatever. Roof party listicle swag direct trade, chambray microdosing prism crucifix tattooed DIY keffiyeh. Tofu tumeric meditation hashtag.

Migas vinyl chartreuse godard palo santo lomo readymade vexillologist.

ttle fanny pack kale chips craft beer pok pok chambray. Yuccie listicle bicycle rights put a bird on it lyft flexitarian direct trade meggings vape chicharrones green juice man bun. Organic craft beer chambray.

The Podcasts



Mickey Deneher

The Vibe 808


Twenty After Four

JB Media

The Vibe 808



Indie Pop

The Shows

Outside of the show is the business of establishing and running your organization. With the help of Intellectual Property Attornies, Lawyers that excel in setting up business structures, Publicists who position and connect, and artists that are successfully owning and operating as Independent Artists, Grind Mind explores each unique perspective in search of answers. These answers provide insight into how to be financially successful and protected as an artist. Our goal is to provide information to artists in all fields so they may achieve their goals and live their dreams.

What's Coming

  • Narwhal pop-up | January 21, 2023
  • Intelligentsia
  • Microdosing tilde
  • Cloud bread (feat. Gochujang)

Here is where we help each other. Together we all win! We look to find companies and people that are seeking a marketing partner. A portion of the money we bring in working for you goes into a fund. The more we work, the greater the fund becomes. Which, in the end, allows us to do more for a community we genuinely love. In this fashion, we all work together!


We work with our production company Freeflight Productions, to create beautiful content. On the one hand, it is the content we make for our clients to build brand awareness. On the other, it's the content we desire to create to inspire you, our fellow artists, entertainers, and people who have given us so much over the years. With that now being said, we are looking for creatives that have beautiful projects. So if you have the talent and an idea, go to our contact page and upload a video of you letting us know about your project and give a sample of what we are to expect. If we love the project, we will contact you and make it happen. These projects we are considering must inspire others and are not for financial gain.


As we support one another through life, let alone the pandemic, we have a chance to experience this world in a more significant way. When we know that we were a part of another's journey, it enriches our own. If you support what we are creating here, follow us on our social media channels to the right on this page. Next, share our message. Earlier, we said it's a community effort, so if you know someone who needs a marketing partner and you send them our way, you'll get a finders fee. Not to sound cliche, but together we genuinely stand!